Vanaf 12 april a.s. start een nieuwe gratis stadswandeling in Maastricht. Het is een F(r)ee tour. De Duitstalige wandeling start elke zaterdag en zondag om 11u30 en de Engelstalige tour om 15.00 uur. Startpunt is de Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk op het OLV Plein. Ongeacht het weer gaat de wandeling altijd door. 

Onderstaand tref je de ‘spelregels’ aan. Schermafbeelding 2014-04-07 om 13.15.16

The German tour starts at 11:30 hour. The English spoken tour starts at 15:00 hour. The tours start every Saturday and Sunday in front of the ‘Onze Lieve Vrouwe’ church. Duration +/- 2,5 hours. Be there in time (about 10-15 minutes before the tour starts). The groups are limited!

The local guides wear badges with the red ‘City Sights Maastricht’ logo. The selfemployed guides are pleased to show you the secrets of our beautiful city. F(r)ee tours are entertaining and unforgettable.
The guides work on tip-only basis. So you are free to give, based on the quality of the tour.

Satisfied visitors who enjoy the city is our main goal. See you at ‘Onze Lieve Vrouweplein’

The tours run (extra) on these Dutch holidays:
– Monday 21th of April – Thursday the 29th of May – Monday the 9th of June

Please note!
The tour guides reserve the right to deny participation in any tour, to any person, for any reason. Children under 14, when accompanied by an adult, are welcome to join our f(r)ee tour. The f(r)ee tour is made for the individual visitor, not for groups. During the tour it is possible that pictures will be taken. These pictures can be used for promotional products.